Tuesday, November 18, 2008

At friend's house.. =] (PART 1)

What can i say... We're lame.. =]

Here's some video that might eat up some of ur time..

Anyways.. it's worth viewing.. ^^ trust me..

it's late.. and what do we do when it's late?..
But nope.. Nyehahaha..

we play games!

well.. here's a short description of this game we're playing

The rules : -
(1) it's okay to laugh ur ass off.. free medical care provided
(2) Play at your own risk.. and they really mean it when they say it..
(3) no more i s'pose.. =x

The game : -
(1) pick a scrabble tile from a sack like bag.. 2 will be chosen out of uhh.. 12 of us?
(2) the unlucky ones are required to complete certain tasks provided..

Toilet Bowls can never be THIS fun!.. ;P

unlucky ming yi got the 1st blood in this video...

Main cast --> Ming Yi!

This game is simple.. =x... drop a coin into DA BOWL.. and pick it up with your bare hand..

This is disturbing.. it's so funny you dont even hav to know what's the game about

Damn nicholas was laughing so hard he had a concussion..

The main cast. LingFeng!

The game --> Pinch your nose and sing a song!

Song chosen --> Twinkle Twinkle lil star..

lol.. Cacing fight/Mating Cacing

Beware.. not suitable for WORMS of all types under the age of 1. IT contains extreme cacing violence...

Casts --> ZhaoQin and Ming Yi(darn unlucky dude)..

Game description? Watch and learn.. lols


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